News, Views and Resources

What you loved in 2024

Written by Action Benefits | Dec 16, 2024

As a year-end celebration, we'll showcase what our fans enjoyed most this year. 

Top read insights

It was a close race, but three insights were visited enough to make the list:

1. CMS publishes the 2025 final rule

This round of proposed rule changes really got agents interested in politics. While the accompanying insight didn't make our list, 749 comments were made on this rule. Between agent compensation, lead generation tweaks, and the changes to FMOs, agents had a lot to say. By July, federal courts put a block on those rules, which we reported on, too. 


2 .CMS releases Medicare Parts A & B premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance amounts for 2024

Since Action agents love finding the right fit for their clients, they scrambled to the new costs for 2024. IRMAA brackets, immunosuppressive Part B drug coverage, and Part D information drew even more agents to this insight. Curious about what's to come in 2025? We have an insight for that ready to go. 


3. Significant changes to agent compensation for Medicare Advantage

Agents came to us when CMS proposed eliminating administrative payments and dishing out one flat rate per enrollment. This technically came out in November of 2023, but we're going to count it in 2024 as most of the discussion happened then. As aforementioned, this proposition had a stay placed on it back in July. 

Top viewed posts

When it comes to social media content, the message is loud and clear: our agents love spending time with us! And you better believe we love spending time with you.

Remember that your clients enjoy seeing you, too. Post about events and successes in your agency, and we bet you’ll get extra attention. But for us, there were three popular posts.

1. NABIP meetings

The top posts in 2024 were anything NABIP. We sponsored their CEO panel back in April, and it was such a well-organized and thought-provoking event. We're happy to see agents there and invite them as guests. Keep an eye out for Action at future NABIP events, from Metro Detroit to Grand Rapids, from Lansing to Traverse City.


2. Tigers Outings and Tailgating Giveaways



Multiple team outings and baseball-themed giveaways all season long. Please ensure you don't miss out on all things  Tigers next year.

3. Golf!

Action is staffed with many golfers - new and seasoned. Want to partake in an industry outing? How about a one on one leisurely game? Whatever your fix, count us in.  


Top viewed YouTube video

Our YouTube channel really took off this year. Nothing beats sitting down with your favorite device, clutching a cup of coffee, and spending an hour with Randy or Chelsea. 

“Learn the basics of Medicare”

We uploaded 63 videos in 2024, and the "back to the basics" videos are the most viewed. This makes sense—if you're looking to take on a new carrier or a new line of business.


Top read document

2024 Landscape Reports

Agents have always been interested in how plans shake out for AEP. Each year, we break down the top enrolling and least enrolling plans in all Michigan counties and make that data easy to use. Refresh your inboxes in early February to see 2025’s numbers.


Top attended event

The Annual AEP/OEP Kickoff Summit 2024

Each year, more agents, carriers, and friends show up than the previous. And each year, we refine the program based on your feedback.

Were you unable to attend this year? We made a playlist on YouTube.


What else?

A lot has happened over the last year, and it looks like both agents and Action employees alike enjoyed it all. A tip heading into 2025? Get involved with everything we have to offer.

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