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2 things agents can't do during Medicare Advantage OEP (and 3 they can)
There’s a Gordian knot of compliance rules to untangle with Medicare. And, the annual Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA OEP) has its own...
Spring is here, and you’re in that weird slow spot between first-quarter follow-ups and first looks at Medicare Advantage plans. How can you make the most of your time? Here are four things that belong on your to-do list.
Many Medicare Supplement carriers have come out swinging with second-quarter incentives. And Field Marketing Organizations may be running their own. Aside from bonuses that benefit you, though, it’s also a good time to take a look at what you’re offering clients. Your customers likely favor two things in a Medicare Supplement carrier: rate stability and discount programs.
Ask yourself:
If you’re unsure, our individual team can help you get a better sense of the landscape in your area.
20% of Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for Medicaid. And nearly ¾ of that group are full-benefit enrollees, meaning they’d qualify for the vast majority of D-SNP plans available. In other words, one of every five prospects you talk to could be eligible for support above and beyond a typical Medicare Advantage plan. If you’re going to help them find a plan that truly fits their needs, you can’t leave D-SNPs out of your portfolio.
Don’t forget about C-SNPs, either. These plans are carefully designed to treat target chronic conditions, like diabetes or heart disease. They often do so by reducing specialist co-pays, increasing supplemental benefits, or rearranging formularies to make drugs for these diseases more accessible.
And, SNPs can be enrolled year-round, so long as the prospect meets eligibility criteria.
Roughly 11,000 Americans age into Medicare each day. And, they all need help navigating their Medicare options. Why shouldn’t they get it from you?
Medicare 101 sessions are a fantastic way to begin building relationships with age-ins, and to cement credibility in your community. leverage your inability to make sales at those events – be crystal clear there is no pressure to buy, build your image as an educator, and make people more likely to know and trust you going forward. Of course, there are a few compliance concerns to be aware of. Once you have a firm understanding, though, you can add a powerful piece to your prospecting process.
Don’t want to talk about Medicare all the time? That’s okay, too. You can always share your hobbies, knowledge, and insights with your community. For some, that might even be the better approach. Many communities have an inherent distrust of healthcare and insurance professionals – letting folks get to know you as a person first may yield better results.
Not every one of those 11,000 age-ins is willing or able to come to an educational event. But, the majority of American baby boomers (53.8%) are on social media platforms – and they’re mostly using platforms like Facebook and TikTok. There’s a great opportunity for you to reach them here, too. $30 of Facebook advertising can put you in front of thousands of people in your area. Better still, you can create Reels or TikTok shorts to share bite-sized pieces of Medicare knowledge. And, you can engage with other creators in your area to build visibility and credibility.
Like anything else, growing your presence will take time. Best to build your audience now, though, so they’ll be ready to see and hear your AEP and OEP reminders in the fall.
These four things will take some time. Certification season is just around the corner, though, with AHIP slated to drop near the end of June. Take this opportunity to position your business for success for AEP and beyond.
3 min read
There’s a Gordian knot of compliance rules to untangle with Medicare. And, the annual Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA OEP) has its own...
3 min read
On Wednesday, April 5, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a final rule governing policy and technical changes to the...
3 min read
Most beneficiaries are left scratching their heads trying to figure out Medicare. A recent survey highlights some of the top misconceptions they...